Experience Matters. Our Secret to Success is Teamwork.
The support services at FirstChoice Staffing are just what you need.
  Employer Contact

Before You Contact Us.

We hope you have taken the time to review our website. If you haven't - PLEASE do so now. Yes, we are saying that right here. The website was designed to be a primer on the philosophy and services of FirstChoice Staffing. It offers a great deal of information and was created for YOU - to help you know about us and the industry. Take the time right now to browse our site before you contact us.

Case in Point: Suppose you are going into a retail store. A sales associate "magically" appears asking, "Can I help you?" You haven't even cleared the door yet and you are being accosted. What do most people usually say? Paralyzed with the fear that they will be sold something they do not want or know much about, most people automatically say, "No, thank you." Once they are free to browse, they decide on the product or service that best suits their needs. That is the proper point in time for a sales person to assist you with additional information and assistance in completing a transaction. That is what we want for YOU.

Be sure to use our helpful Cost Calculators to figure out your true cost of hire and turnover.

If you are comfortable in your knowledge of our services and philosophy, it is NOW that we would like to ask:

Keep in mind, we review hundreds of resumes a day.

FirstChoice is Your Best Choice.

Contact Us Today.

First Name:

Last Name:



Email Address:

Phone Number:



Comment or Question:



  Looking for Staff?

FirstChoice Staffing Co.

7 West Square Lake Road
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

By appointment only

Tel: 248-454-8000
Fax: 248-454-8013
E-mail: recruiter@firstchoicestaff.com

Remember: Contacting us will not automatically unleash a hoard of ravenous salespeople. We hate being treated like prey just as much as you do.

Please know that when you contact FirstChoice Staffing, we will work through the staffing process with you, using our TIME and your TIME to the best advantage.

Let FirstChoice Staffing be
"Your Personal Recruiter."

Find out the TRUE cost of "free" when doing your hiring internally.

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